Many adults feel pressure from their job, other adults, and family life. Sometimes it feels like too much—the mix of home, work, family, children, and community. Sometimes it's hard to feel in control or balanced.
Lots of problems come and go, but if the problems do not go away, they can affect how we feel about ourselves and it is time to ask for help. Reach out for help when you are feeling stressed all the time, depressed, or thinking about suicide.
Problems can also come from using alcohol and drugs. Using alcohol and drugs to cope with life’s challenges can often make problems or the situation worse. Help is available. A person does not need to face this alone.
If you or someone you know shows signs of mental illness, there is no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed. Mental illness is very common and affects a lot of people. It is important for a person with mental illness to get help.
- Talk with someone they trust.
- Talk to a health care provider at the local health centre.
For anonymous support, call the Kamatsiaqtut Help Line: 1-867-979-3333 | toll free: 1-800-265-3333