At around six months, baby shows you they are ready to start eating solid food.
The points below are signs that baby is ready for solid food:
- Drool more, close their mouth, and spit up less
- Are interested in what you eat and grab for your food
- Breastfeed more often and are still hungry after emptying both breasts
- Hold their head up and turn away when they are full
- Can chew and swallow solid food
At this age a baby's intestines are ready to handle solid food. They are old enough to have less chance of getting a food allergy.
- Breastfeed or give formula first, then let baby try solid food.
- Start with a small amount—one small spoon—and give more to match baby's appetite.
- Use a spoon so baby doesn't choke.
- Have baby sitting up, and watch carefully as they eat.
- Try one food at a time. Wait at least three days before trying another one to see if baby has an allergic reaction.
Starting at six months, babies need to eat iron rich foods every day.
- For healthy, strong blood
- For baby's brain to develop properly so they can learn and grow
If a baby is low in iron, they may:
- Look tired and pale
- Seem weak
- Be sick often
- Be poor eaters
- Grow slowly
Keep offering breast milk or formula with iron and vitamin D drops. Offer iron rich food every day—baby cereal, cooked meat—country food or store. Offer foods rich in vitamin C—fruit and veggies, maktaaq, fish eggs.